Pictures of Guards Saying Stop Clip Art Crowd Celebrating Clip Art

If you're visiting Alaska between May and August, you're pretty much guaranteed to stumble across a celebration. Fairs, of course, offer an all-ages crowd-pleaser, with practiced food, entertainment, and no doubt some quirky Alaskan tradition that started it all. The Alaska Country Fair (in the Mat-Su Valley, well-nigh an 60 minutes n of Anchorage) is the biggest festival of the summer, taking identify from the end of August through early on September. While the celebrations wearisome down during the colder months, they certainly don't stop. One of the nearly dear festivals of the year—and the largest one during winter—is the Fur Rendezvous (also called Fur Rondy), which turns Anchorage into a big snowy party every Feb.

Fairs & Festivals

Alaska State Fair

Season: Aug xix to Sep 05

For over 75 years, the Alas­ka Country Fair has been a gath­er­ing place for all Alaskans, and a "last hur­rah" before sum­mer gives manner to the long Alas­ka wintertime.What start­ed every bit a cel­e­bra­tion for the Mat-Su colonists in 1936 has grown into the state's largest annu­al event. Each year, hun­dreds of thou­sands of fair­become­ers enjoyed night­ly con­certs fea­tur­ing head­line enter­tain­ers in the AT &T Con­cert Series, auto­ni­val rides and games, hun­dreds of…  ...more

Alyeska Slush Cup

Love ski­ing and wacky cos­tumes? The Slush Cup is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to see both. Com­peti­tors dress up and endeavour to skim across aninety-human foot-long pool of freez­ing water on skis — and not many make it! There are lots of oth­er activ­i­ties likewise, includ­ing a swim across the freez­ing pool, face pigment­ing for kids, food booths, and more.

Seward 4th of July Celebration

On the Quaternary of July, the pop­u­la­tion of Seward swells from around ii,500 to a report­ed 40,000. Main Street is com­plete­ly blocked off to traf­fic and the streets fill with peo­ple. Many come to run in or watch the Mt. Marathon Race, while oth­ers come to savour some of the most swain­ti­ful scenery in the earth and take role in the fes­tiv­i­ties. Seward'southward annu­al July 4 thursday cel­e­bra­tion fea­tures a packed hol­i­day sched­ule of spe­cial events, presentations,…  ...more

Sitka WhaleFest

Season: November 03 to November 06

Sum­mer is not the but time to encompass Sitka'southward con­nec­tion to our vast oceans and the inhab­i­tants. Nov's annu­al Sit­ka Whale­Fest, host­ed past the Sit­ka Sound Sci­ence Cen­ter, cel­e­brates marine life through a sci­ence sym­po­sium, art, wildlife cruis­es and and so much more!

Alyeska Resort Blueberry Festival

The Alaskan blue­ber­ry: plump, deli­cious, and then pop­u­lar that every year Gird­woods puts on a big cel­e­bra­tion in hon­or of bluish­ber­ry sea­son. As many as 4,000 peo­ple have been flock­ing to Gird­wood one week­end every August for the by vii years, and the fes­ti­val gets larg­er and more excit­ing each year, with peo­ple com­ing from all over Alas­ka. The 2-day fam­i­ly-friend­ly event makes for a cracking alibi to vis­it this gor­geous area.

Copper River Salmon Jam

Flavour: Jul fifteen to Jul sixteen

It's but fit­ting that an Alas­ka fish­ing vil­lage throws a swell salmon fes­ti­val. Every twelvemonth in July, the town of Cor­do­va takes a suspension from fish­ing to plow out for the Cop­per Riv­er Salmon Jam. This fes­ti­val aims to cel­e­brate salmon and pro­mote the health and sus­tain­abil­i­ty of local salmon runs.

Seward Silver Salmon Derby

The Seward Sil­ver Salmon Der­past® is 1 of the erstwhile­est and largest fish­ing der­bies in the State. Seward'southward Der­by is equal­ly pop­u­lar with locals, oth­er Alas­ka res­i­dents, and vis­it­ing anglers from around the nation and globe. Anglers vie for the largest Coho (Sil­ver) Salmon and endeavour to catch tagged fish worth prizes. Anglers turn their fish in dai­ly, which are sold to raise funds for fish raise­ment efforts. Der­past tick­ets go on sale Fri­twenty-four hours dark…  ...more than

Seward Halibut Tournament

Seward'due south Hal­ibut Bout­na­ment, in June, offers an ear­ly-sea­son focus on this famous fish, attract­ing anglers from all over Alas­ka and beyond

Anchorage RunFest

Anchor­age Run­Fest is a col­lec­tion of run­ning events that cel­e­brate run­ners of all abil­i­ties from the aristocracy run­ners to the back of the pack­ers. This late sea­son Boston Marathon qual­i­fi­er boasts ide­al run­ning weath­er, mild tem­per­a­tures and a fast course with very lit­tle ele­va­tion gain. The out and back road takes run­ners through down­town Ballast­historic period earlier caput­ing out along the scenic coast­line and through the city'southward wood­ed green­belt. In keeping  ...more

Girdwood Forest Fair

If you're vis­it­ing Gird­wood the first week­end in July, y'all'll feel a pal­pa­ble ener­gy in the air — a lit­tle extra jolt of excite­ment. It'southward because of the For­est Off-white — a huge fes­ti­val cel­e­brat­ing Alaskan music, arts, and crafts. Artists and vis­i­tors pour in from all over Alas­ka to per­course or just accept fun, and the entire com­mu­ni­ty comes togeth­er to go far hap­pen. Information technology's the kind of event that vis­i­tors may stum­ble across, then render the post-obit  ...more

Mt. Marathon Race

Accordance­ing to folk­lore, the tra­di­tion of the Mt. Marathon Race began when two sour­doughs argued most the pos­si­bil­i­ty of climb­ing and descend­ing the moun­tain in less than an hour. "Impos­si­ble" one said. To prepare­tle the argu­ment, and the effect­ing wager, a race was held, with the los­er to fur­nish drinks for the crowd. At the same time, enter­pris­ing mer­chants put upward a conform of apparel and oth­er attrac­tions for the win­ner and pro­posed the race accept…  ...more

Levitt AMP Soldotna Music Series

Sum­mer Wednes­solar day evenings in Sol­dot­na are times that every­i looks for­ward to. That's when the famous — and gratuitous! — Levitt AMP Sol­dot­na Music Series takes identify in the beau­ti­ful Sol­dot­na Creek Park. Information technology hap­pens week­ly from June through August, and on top of catch­ing some smashing music, it's a fan­tas­tic risk to meet locals.

Iditarod Sled Dog Race (Ceremonial Start)

The globe'south most famous sled dog race begins in down­town Anchor­age on the offset Sat­ur­day in March, in a spec­ta­tor-friend­ly cer­e­mo­ny. The first mile and a half of this leg is on urban center streets lined with thousand­sands of spec­ta­tors. The next 6 miles run east and south through the city greenish­belts and parks on the exten­sive sys­tem of bike and ski paths.

Fur Rendezvous Festival

Anchorage Market

Season: May 14 to Sep 11 Free Access

Every Fri­day, Sat­ur­day and Lord's day­day in sum­mer, more than 100 ven­dors sell a broad vari­ety of Alaskan-fabricated goods and food from all over the earth. Whether you're in the mar­ket for a valu­able keep­sake or a final-minute sou­venir, you'll like­ly find what you want here. You'll detect sou­venir T‑shirts, furs, painters and pho­tog­ra­phers sell­ing their work, manus­fabricated jew­el­ry, and more. Music and dance per­for­mances keep the mar­ket lively.

Frozen RiverFest

Win­ter fes­ti­val fea­tur­ing live music, nutrient, and a beer gar­den held each Feb­ru­ary in Sol­dot­na Creek Park.

Iditarod Sled Dog Race Restart

The Offi­cial Race Start begins in the town of Wil­low on the first Sunday­twenty-four hours in March. Come run across the mush­ers caput out on "The Last Smashing Race" and get a feel for a pocket-size-boondocks Alaskan win­ter. The race begins at two p.m., with mush­ers leav­ing the gate every two min­utes. Sev­er­al chiliad­sand fans show upwardly to cheer on the lx to lxx dog teams; ven­dors sell­ing nutrient and sou­venirs set up at the Wil­low Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter. At that place'south usu­al­ly a close­tle from Wasil­la, and…  ...more than

Homer Jackpot Halibut Derby

The Homer Jack­pot Hal­ibut Der­by is the longest run­ning der­by in Alas­ka and boasts the largest jack­pot, too.

Celebration of Bears

A rel­a­tive­ly new effect, the Cel­east­bra­tion of Bears takes place in August, a time when the pink salmon run is pinnacle­ing and bear view­ing along the Chilkoot Riv­er is most reli­able. Host­ed by the Alas­ka Chilkoot Bear Foun­da­tion, the free, ii-day fes­ti­val pro­motes bear teaching.

Heart of the Aleutians Festival

Framed past green moun­tains on 3 sides, Kel­ty field is the per­fect set­ting for an stop-of-sum­mer par­ty – a cel­e­bra­tion of Aleut­ian life and the peo­ple who make Unalas­ka their dwelling house (whether year-round or just for the sum­mer). Coor­di­nat­ed past the metropolis's Parks, Cul­ture and Recre­ation Depart­ment, the Center of the Aleu­tians Fes­ti­val is a fam­i­ly affair, where artists and their crafts, modest busi­ness­es and non-prof­its fill up the com­mu­ni­ty tent with  ...more than

Houston Founder's Day

The tiny town of Hous­ton triples its pop­u­la­tion (all the way upward to 6,000!) dur­ing this one-twenty-four hour period fam­i­ly-friend­ly blowout on the third Saturday­ur­24-hour interval in August. And the all-time part is that everything'southward complimentary! Kids' games and boun­cy rooms, douse tanks, fish­ing ponds, slides, and aBBQ…information technology's all cov­ered past the folks of Hous­ton. The block par­ty-style fes­ti­val, which has been going on for at least 30 years, was outset­ed for kids, and they've kept the focus on…  ...more

Nenana Ice Classic

This is the lot­tery, Alas­ka-style. To enter, just buy a tick­et and pick the date and fourth dimension (down to the minute) in April or May when you think the win­ter ice on the Tanana Riv­er volition break. Win­ning could mean a wind­fall: the pool has reached near­ly $300,000 in recent years.

Homer Epic 100

A beau­ti­ful 100k race on remote pis­ton bul­ly snow trails in the spec­tac­u­lar Cari­bou hills out­side of Homer. Rac­ers selection one mode: Fatty­Bike, SKI, or RUN and must fin­ish in one day or less. Start­ing point is McNeil Canyon Ele­men­tary School.

Nome Summer Softball

Come on out to watch some com­mu­ni­ty soft­ball, a pas­sion for many res­i­dents. Nome usu­al­ly fields near­ly a dozen teams, offer­ing pret­ty com­pet­i­tive soft­ball for a pocket-size town on the far reach­es of Alas­ka. With games through­out the sum­mer and a Mid­nighttime Sunday Fes­ti­val bout­na­ment, the ball is in play sev­er­al days a week, pelting or shine.

Mat-Su Valley Pike Derby

Come try your luck at ice fish­ing dur­ing the month-long Mat-Su Val­ley Pike Der­by. Drill a hole and start jig­ging for pike, a large inva­sive species with a vora­cious appetite that grows to impres­sive lengths (win­ning fish are close to 4 feet long). Host­ed by orga­ni­za­tions from the town of Hous­ton, the der­by fea­tures prizes for the most fish caught, besides as the longest, heav­i­est, short­est, and light­est expressway. The fish are cooked at the…  ...more

Talkeetna Bluegrass Festival

If you lot love bluish­grass and military camp­ing in the Alaskan wilder­ness, this is the fes­ti­val for you. Bands play for 20 hours each day, and at that place are ven­dors sell­ing paw­fabricated craft items and nutrient of all kinds. The fes­ti­val is too focused around camp­ing, and the whole fam­i­ly is encour­anile to par­tic­i­pate: there's even a des­ig­nat­ed fam­i­ly camp­ing surface area.

Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival

Very few art fes­ti­vals in the coun­try are as bold­ly mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary as the Fair­banks Sum­mer Arts Fes­ti­val with course­es in music, dance, the­atre, visu­al arts, lit­er­ary arts, culi­nary arts, and heal­ing arts. Fair­banks Sum­mer Arts Fes­ti­val hosts a thou­sand peo­ple, from begin­ners to advanced prac­ti­tion­ers, reg­is­ter each year to explore their inner artist.

Alaska Bald Eagle Festival

The annu­al Alas­ka Bald Eagle Fes­ti­val takes place in Haines dur­ing the sec­ond week of Novem­ber at the superlative of the largest con­gre­ga­tion of eagles in the globe. Drawn by a belatedly run of chum and coho salmon, some 2,000 to 4,000 eagles con­verge on the Chilkat Riv­er Valley.

Sitka Summer Music Festival

This fes­ti­val brings togeth­er some of America's most tal­ent­ed string musi­cians and has gar­nered nation­al acclamation. Cel­eastward­deviling­ed for over 40 years, the fes­ti­val is the vision of Paul Rosen­thal, a vio­lin­ist from New York who vis­it­ed Alas­ka while on bout in 1972. It'due south grown to include fall and win­ter per­for­mances in Anchor­age and oth­er parts of the state. The stringed per­for­mances are tru­ly impres­sive (they've been fea­tured in the New York Times…  ...more

April "Hawk Watch"

This big pull­out doesn't await like much, only each spring bird scout­ers from around the world gath­er here to look for elu­sive species of rap­tors and fal­cons. Migrat­ing north for sum­mer, red tail hawks, sharp-shinned hawks, curlicue fal­cons and oth­er birds of prey gath­er in large num­bers here, play­ing on the uplifts along the windy cliffs. In addi­tion to see­ing impres­sive num­bers of hawks and rare species, bird­ers are drawn by the skilful calorie-free, with…  ...more than

Seward Holiday Arts and Craft Fair

An annu­al outcome with local Alaskan artists, fea­tur­ing beau­ti­ful work for your hol­i­day store­ping plea­sure. Don't for­get to check out the nutrient ven­dors, live enter­tain­ment, hol­i­solar day music and San­ta! Gen­er­al­ly the commencement week in Decem­ber at the Dale R. Lind­sey Alas­ka Rail­road Inter­modal Facility.

Nome Blueberry Festival

When you encounter drupe pick­ers dot­ting the tun­dra around Nome, you know the Bluish­ber­ry Fes­ti­val is just effectually the cor­ner. Don't miss this one-day gath­er­ing that cel­e­brates all-things blue­ber­ry: from music to arts and crafts, so many blueish­ber­ry-based food concoctions.

Pelican King Salmon Derby

Come up to Pel­i­can the commencement week­finish in June to endeavour your luck at the King Salmon Der­by. June is the best fourth dimension to grab a fat, sweetness King, espe­cial­ly along the coastal waters of almost­past Yako­bi Island.

Talkeetna Winterfest

Tal­keet­na cel­e­brates the dark month of Decem­ber with its annu­al Tal­keet­na Win­ter­fest. This popular­u­lar fes­ti­val attracts folks from Ballast­age and Fair­banks with its famed Bach­east­lor Soci­ety Ball and Auc­tion. Come watch the bid­ding as Tal­keet­na Bach­e­lors fetch as much every bit $ane,000 for a drink and dance at the ball. The auc­tion and ball, held the first Saturday­ur­day of the month, are the loftier­lights. But don't miss the Parade of Lights, held on the festival's…  ...more

Anvil Mountain Races

The view from Nome's Anvil Moun­tain is worth the effort it takes to climb i,100 anxiety to the sum­mit. Ii very dif­fer­ent sum­mer com­pe­ti­tions fea­ture a fast race to the top. How much time you spend upwards there enjoy­ing the grand view of Nome and the Bering Sea is all up to you.

Nome-Golovin Snowmachine Race

The 200-mile Nome-Golovin Race is held on the sec­ond Sat­ur­day in March. Rac­ers begin and cease in Nome afterwards fol­low­ing 100 miles of the Idi­tar­od trail downward the coast to Golovin and dorsum. It takes simply a few hours, so you tin take hold of both the beginning and fin­ish – and maybe fifty-fifty catch the Award Cer­e­monies, held a few days afterwards.

Little Norway Festival

In ear­ly sum­mer, Peters­burg folks let their hair down — or bun­dle information technology up under a horned hel­met — dur­ing a 3-twenty-four hour period par­ty to toast their Viking her­itage. This fes­ti­val warm­ly wel­comes vis­i­tors. The town's main drag is bar­ri­cad­ed off every bit fear­some marchers in horned hel­mets and furs parade a drag­on-bowed Viking transport downwards Nordic Avenue.

Willow Winter Carnival

This annu­al win­ter fes­ti­val, in exis­tence for more than 50 years, is held on back-to-dorsum calendar week­ends at the stop of Jan­u­ary and brainstorm­ning of February­ru­ary. With the country's biggest win­ter fire­works dis­play, $i,000 bin­become cash pots, sled domestic dog races, tal­ent con­tests, foot races and fatty-tire cycle races, the fes­ti­val is a region­al draw and a fun identify for trav­el­ers to see Alaskans cut loose.The automobile­ni­val kicks off with a din­ner at the com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter, where…  ...more

Nome Bank Robbery

Rob­bers with guns fatigued stride downward Nome's Forepart Street each sol­stice with one goal: to rob the bank and go away with bags of loot. The plan is some­how ever foiled, only that doesn't mat­ter. Those rob­bers keep effort­ing, twelvemonth afterward year! Lookout for the bad guys to come call­ing at high apex just after the Mid­night Sun parade.

Nome - Fireman's Carnival

You lot know you're in Nome when the raf­fle prizes at the annu­al Fireman's Car­ni­val are snowfall­ma­chines, gold nuggets, air­line tick­ets and heat­ing fuel! Join in the fun at this com­mu­ni­ty event, filled with bin­go, food…and excit­ed raf­fle winners.

Iron Dog Snowmobile Race

In mid-February­ru­ary, the Mat-Su Val­ley hosts the brainstorm­ning of the longest and tough­est snowfall­mo­bile race consequence in the globe: the Iron Domestic dog. In its 30 th year in 2013, the race fea­tures teams of two snowfall­mo­bile rac­ers rid­ing from Wasil­la to Nome to Fair­banks, cov­er­ing more than 2,000 miles of rugged Alaskan ter­rain. Sea water ice cross­ings, the frozen Yukon Riv­er, and treach­er­ous pass­es look these rugged snow­mo­bil­ers, who don't slow down for any­thing; some of  ...more

Palmer Colony Days

Held the sec­ond week­end in June, the town of Palmer com­mem­o­rates the area'due south orig­i­nal farm­ers, and Palmer's colony history.

Chickenstock Music Festival

Await­ing for a music fes­ti­val dur­ing your vis­information technology to the far North? At that place's ane held every year the sec­ond week­terminate of June in the town of Chick­en, Alas­ka. 2016 volition exist the x thursday annu­al. Like whatsoever adept music fes­ti­val, information technology promis­es good music, plen­ty of beer, and lots of fun.

Cabin Fever Reliever

March is the month to get out­side. The days are longer and the weath­er is start­ing to warm, but win­ter however has its icy grip. To avert going stir crazy or for some good, clean Alaskan win­ter fun, head north to Trap­per Creek for the Cab­in Fever Reliev­er. Held the sec­ond Saturday­ur­day in March in this moving-picture show­turesque pocket-sized town (in that location are great views of Denali), the cel­due east­bra­tion includes a pan­cake pause­fast, a raf­fle, cross-coun­endeavor ski races, games,  ...more

Polar Bear Swim

Plung­ing into the Bering Sea's frigid waters takes a lot of nervus, only each year dozens of folks leap in with gus­to as part of the Nome Rotary Guild's Polar Bear Swim. Many go out as fast as they went in, with gasps, smiles and a rush to the well-nigh­by bon­fire. It'southward all part of Nome'due south wacky annu­al cel­e­bra­tion of sum­mer solstice.

Alaska Day Festival

Although information technology's a state hol­i­solar day, Alas­ka Day is owned by Sit­ka, which throws an annu­al, day-long par­ty to observe the anniver­sary of the trans­fer of the Alas­ka Ter­ri­to­ry to the Unit­ed States. In that location's a parade led by the pipe and pulsate reg­i­ment of the Seat­tle Fire Depart­ment; a brawl, his­tor­i­cal reen­act­ments, pan­el dis­cus­sions, and more than.

Talkeetna Trio

The Tal­keet­na Trio is made upward of two dis­tances of twenty and threescore miles, Fat BIKES but. Beau­ti­ful rolling ter­pelting with nar­row trails, with some riv­er run­ning and each lap takes you through down­town Tal­keet­na. Start­ing bespeak is at the Denali Brew­ing Company.

Homer Gardener's Weekend

The first Dominicus­day of Baronial brings a spe­cial result to Homer: the oppor­tu­ni­ty to step into pri­vate gar­dens that show­case the unique­ness of Alaskan gar­den­ing and go some real insight into what it's like to work the land in a place where the grow­ing bounding main­son is curt and the days long. Some 400 peo­ple come to Homer from all over, some of them gar­den­ers from oth­er parts of Alas­ka, and oth­ers from out­side the state who sim­ply have an inter­est in  ...more

Soldotna Progress Days

Some­thing mag­i­cal hap­pens in Sol­dot­na every year dur­ing the fourth calendar week of July. That's when the boondocks comes alive with Sol­dot­na Progress Days — an annu­al com­mu­ni­ty cel­e­bra­tion worth program­ning your vis­information technology around.

Midnight Sun Festival

Each year, the streets of downward­town Off-white­banks flare-up with a12-hour, fam­i­ly-friend­ly street fair packed with live music, per­for­mances and hun­dreds of booths sell­ing nutrient, crafts, offi­cial fes­ti­val t‑shirts, and hand­fabricated sou­venirs. Activ­i­ties include face pigment­ing, gold pan­ning, an annu­al BBQ cook-off, sled canis familiaris pup­pies, and a skate park. This pop­u­lar block par­ty reflects the impor­tance of sum­mer sol­stice to Inte­ri­or Alaskans.

Cordova Fungus Festival

This annu­al three-day event cel­e­brates the Cor­do­va region'south abun­dant crop of wild mush­rooms with class­es, fine art and paw­craft ses­sions, proficient talks, child'due south activ­i­ties and dai­ly-guid­ed trips into the rain for­est foothills and the Cop­per Riv­er Delta.

Palmer Friday Flings

Every Fri­24-hour interval from late May through Baronial, vis­it the popular­u­lar open-air mar­ket in down­town Palmer. Outset­ed in 2002, this sum­mer-long fes­ti­val cel­e­brates down­boondocks Palmer and the peo­ple and busi­ness­es that brand the town great.

Alappaa Film Festival

Learn about the far north through the eyes of cre­ative film-mak­ers (many of them local) in this two‑24-hour interval film fes­ti­val orga­nized by the Nome Arts Council.

Homer Yacht Club

All races are on cours­es that make them piece of cake to watch from the finish of the Spit. Fre­quent­ly they race around the 'green tin' marker­er on a shoal w of the Spit, and Dupe Isle, a few miles across Kachemak Bay from stop of the Spit. Some­times there are simply four boats rac­ing and oth­er times upwardly to twenty. They are very open-mind­ed sailors and whether or non you lot have had whatsoever canvas­ing expe­ri­ence they wel­come new coiffure. Cap­tains and Crews meet on P…  ...more

Whittier 4th of July Celebration

Every boondocks has their 4 th of July tra­di­tions, and while minor, Whittier'due south is lots of fun. And, it's the main com­mu­ni­ty issue of the year. It besides doesn't take itself too seri­ous­ly! At that place'southward a tiny parade through the down­boondocks "tri­an­gle" (blink and you might miss it!).

Homer Highland Games

The Homer High­land Games are ded­i­cat­ed to the edu­ca­tion of the gen­er­al pub­lic about the Celtic Cul­ture through ath­permit­ics, music and infor­ma­tion about one of the virtually aboriginal ath­let­ic events in his­to­ry start­ing back in 1057 A.D. when Rex Mal­colm Can­more, who called upon the Clans to transport their best run­ners, for he need­ed mes­sen­gers, send their best fight­ers, for he need­ed a pri­vate army, and transport the strongest, for he need­ed per­son­al guards.  ...more

Jr. Iditarod Sled Dog Race

Mush­ing in Alas­ka is often a fam­i­ly activ­i­ty, with entire house­holds devot­ed to the feed­ing, railroad train­ing, and care of domestic dog ken­nels that tin can house more than 100 canines! Teenagers from these fam­i­lies, plus oth­er teens who have stum­bled into the earth of mush­ing, com­pete in a160-mile race the week­stop pri­or to the first of the Idi­tar­od. Information technology's a small field, usu­al­ly under 15 peo­ple, and the race takes under 24 hours. You lot tin catch the start of the…  ...more

Elfin Cove 4th of July Celebration

4 th of July is Elfin Cove'southward biggest com­mu­ni­ty event, with every­i plough­ing out for some patri­ot­ic fun that includes a pan­cake suspension­fast, games and even a assistant slug race!

Poor Man's Beach Gold Panning Contest

The water's common cold, simply there's def­i­nite­ly gold to exist found in the "Poor Homo's Beach Golden Pan­ning Con­examination," held annu­al­ly in Nome'south Anvil Urban center Square. Grab a pan and a pocketbook of pay dirt and meet if yous can find the gilded faster than any­body else.

Golden Days

For an authen­tic Alaskan cel­due east­bra­tion, caput to Fair­banks in the tertiary week of July. That'due south when res­i­dents cut loose in hon­or of their Aureate Rush his­to­ry, dur­ing a 5-day fes­ti­val they telephone call Gold­en Days. Bank homo­agers clothes up every bit sour­dough min­ers, look­ress don "fluzie" out­fits, and most of the city turns out for races, parades, and great food. It'south a great time to meet locals — who are in a fes­tive, social mood — and to be swept upwards in a big Alaskan  ...more

Seward First Fridays

Vis­it local gal­leries and shops in downward­town Seward to see fea­tured local artists and bask local Alaskan hos­pi­tal­i­ty. Come across mitt­made jew­el­ry, pot­tery, pho­tog­ra­phy, paint­ings, met­al work, carv­ings, material­ing and more. Occa­sion­al­ly the effect includes local musi­cians, dancers or drummers.

Nome Arts Council Open Mic

Expe­ri­ence Nome's col­lec­tive cre­ative spir­it at the Nome Arts Coun­cil Open up Mic events, held in mid-Novem­ber and in March dur­ing Idi­tar­od Week. They are always well-attend­ed, then arrive ear­ly to savor some of Nome'southward all-time music, trip the light fantastic toe, poet­ry and story-tellers.

Great Bathtub Race

"Yous also can make clean up your human action," promise spon­sors of Nome's wacky Labor Solar day Bathroom­tub Race. Whether a par­tic­i­pant or a bystander, exist pre­pared to get splashed as tubs full of water, bub­bles – and a bather – are raced 100 yards down Front end Street. For Nome, this is good, clean fun!

Aleutian Tundra Golf Classic

I of the most unique golf out­ings yous could ever expe­ri­ence takes place every Baronial, on the Aleut­ian tun­dra yard­sands of miles from any estab­lished golf course. This is a place where yous can (and per­haps should) wearable knee high boots every bit you advance along a9‑hole course wind­ing through the Pyra­mid Val­ley of Unalas­ka Isle.

Gold Dust Dash

Run­ning the Gold Dust Dash in Nome offers a boyfriend­ti­ful view along the 5K race course upwards and back along the shore­line of the Bering Sea. A gilt nugget is on the line for get-go identify fin­ish­ers, then near run­ners enjoy the view at top speed. The Gold Grit Dash is the first of many events cel­e­brat­ing sum­mer sol­stice in Nome.

Iditarod Restart Golf Tournament

1 week afterward the boondocks of Wil­low hosts the Idi­tar­od Sled Dog Restart, locals take advan­tage of the groomed trail by play­ing golf on it! Commencement­ed by the Cham­ber of Com­merce, this icy links bout­na­ment draws some 100 foul-weath­er golfers for a9‑hole bout­ney. Accordance­ing to par­tic­i­pants, the ball bounces on clean-cut snowfall simply like on existent grass. There's a lim­it of two clubs per per­son, only teams can share their clubs (a put­ter and sev­en iron are…  ...more

Running with the Bulls

The Musk Ox Farm has host­ed the "Run­ning with the Bulls" trail race on the first Sunday­twenty-four hours in August since 2002. Don't miss out on this unique­ly Alaskan one-of-a-kind race!

Idita-splash and Idita-walk

From Nome to your domicile: You can cap­ture the spir­it of the Idi­tar­od Trail Sled Dog Race and stay active dur­ing win­ter no mat­ter where you live through Nome-based char­i­ty fundrais­ers: Idi­ta-splash and Idita-walk.

Nome Salmonberry Jam Folk Fest

Kick up your heels dur­ing Nome'southward Salmonber­ry Jam, a three-day music fes­ti­val with work­shops, guest artists, local musi­cians, danc­ing, hand-made crafts, and a com­mu­ni­ty cook­out and jam.

Wearable Arts

With almost 30 years under its belt, the Ketchikan Wear­able Arts Show is an event you lot don't want to miss. Described equally the "orig­i­nal run­style per­for­mance," this show has inspired imi­ta­tions in neigh­bor­ing com­mu­ni­ties and around the earth. If y'all'd like to encounter a evidence that most clear­ly rep­re­sents pure artis­tic tal­ent, this is it.

Mayor's Marathon in Anchorage

Cer­ti­fied past the U.S. Track and Field Asso­ci­a­tion, this annu­al marathon is run confronting the gor­geous back­driblet of the Alaskan wilder­ness. Peo­ple come from far and wide to par­tic­i­pate: all 50 states and some fifteen coun­tries. And if you lot're not up for the total 26.2, yous tin still be a office of information technology by run­ning the half-marathon, the four- mile race, the‑mile youth race, or the marathon relay.

Nome Summerfest

Youth tal­ent is on dis­play at Nome's Sum­mer­fest, an end-of-July cel­due east­bra­tion held in Anvil Urban center Square. Face-pigment­ing, a tal­ent show, bounciness-house and com­mu­ni­ty booths are all role of the fun in this annu­al event that hon­ors youth, the arts, and healthy choices.

Homer Farmer's Market

The sum­mer out­door Farmer'south Mar­ket, on the right side of Sea Dri­ve en route to the Spit, offers not but fresh pro­duce and fine art, merely likewise per­course­ing artists on stage. It's a very pleas­pismire aspect of Homer life. The enter­tain­ment ranges from vocaliser/​songwriter gui­tarists, quar­tets, elab­o­rate dance per­for­mances to marim­ba bands to men­tion a few. In a town and so total of tal­ent, one tin can always wait an added treat at the Farmer'due south Mar­ket, not only in  ...more

Alaska World Arts Festival

This unique fes­ti­val in Homer, Alas­ka is an fine art-lovers dream.

Great Alaska Craftbeer and Home Brew Festival

The "Haines Beer­fest," as its known by locals, is very pop­u­lar, and tick­ets sell out weeks in accelerate. It kicks off with a gourmet din­ner, paired with beer tast­ings. The fol­low­ing day, the crowd descends on the South­east Alas­ka State Fair­grounds, where craft beer and home­mash sam­ples abound.

Nome - Midnight Sun Festival

There's no identify similar Nome at sol­stice time. The com­mu­ni­ty gath­ers for a cel­e­bra­tion similar no oth­er: the Mid­night Sun Fes­ti­val. Spir­its are loftier, as locals take advan­tage of more than 21 hours of direct dominicus­light. Events include a parade downwardly Front Street, a mock bank rob­bery, and an icy plunge in the Bering Sea.

Slam'n Salm'n Derby

Bring together this annu­al com­pe­ti­tion host­ed in Downwards­town Anchor­age at Ship Creek where anglers cast their line for a prize-win­ning King Salmon. Information technology's one of Anchorage's nigh excit­ing events — come and watch, or cast your own line. Vis­i­tors and locals can par­tic­i­pate! Rent all the equip­ment you need and pur­chase a license from The Bait Shack.

Fairbanks Area Farmers Markets

Reach­ing deep into a sleeve of hot ket­tle corn for the ker­nels at the bot­tom amid a popular-up city of white tent tops is an easy recipe for a clas­sic afterward­noon in Fair­banks. Farm­ers mar­kets dou­ble equally open-air social halls to run into friends and neigh­bors while shop­ping, and also play host to cook­ing demon­stra­tions, com­pe­ti­tions (like the pur­ple veg­etable con­exam), and alive music.

Nome Christmas Extravaganza

See what it'southward like to be "Nome for the Hol­i­days" at the much-antic­i­pat­ed Christ­mas Extrav­a­gan­za fills Onetime St. Joe's Hall with music, San­ta and his elves, live rein­deer, and just most every­trunk in town.

Luminary Ski

An annu­al New year'south Eve tra­di­tion, the Lumi­nary Ski is a gratuitous com­mu­ni­ty event on the Divide Ski Trails (at Mile 12 of the Seward High­way). The trails are lit by can­dle­lite, and you can walk, snowfall­shoe, or ski, depend­ing on your pref­er­ence. Hot cocoa, cider, and a campsite­fire are provided.

The Highway's End Farmers Market

Plants, organ­ic flours, mitt­made prod­ucts (like pot­tery, dewdrop­work, knit­ted appurtenances, art­work, lip balms and salves), and his­tor­i­cal books about the area. Food stands, mean­while, brim with mar­ket favorites like soft pret­zels, hot dogs and fries.

Susitna 100 Miles & Little Su 50K

Alaskans love win­ter recre­ation, and this race is a tes­ta­ment to the cold-weath­er fanat­ics of the far n. Fol­low­ing por­tions of the orig­i­nal Idi­tar­od trail and the frozen Susit­na Riv­er, this 100-mile race is open to bik­ers, run­ners, and cross-coun­endeavor skiers. Set in Feb­ru­ary on President'south 24-hour interval week­end, the rac­ers bargain with 13 hours of dark­ness and what­ev­er the win­ter ele­ments might be that week: minus-20 caste temps, snow, wind, or peradventure…  ...more

Southeast Alaska State Fair

Sep­a­rat­ed from the Alas­ka main­state past fjords and steep moun­tains, Due south­e Alas­ka devel­oped its own "land fair" 50 years ago. In the words of 1 of its annu­al themes, the Haines-based fair real­ly does "soak in Southeast."

Kodiak Crab Festival

5 days of fes­tiv­i­ties pep­pered with tra­di­tion­al and quirky tour­na­ments, games, races and com­pe­ti­tions. The fes­ti­val is held Thurs­day, Fri­solar day, Sabbatum­ur­solar day, Sun­twenty-four hours, stop­ing on Memo­r­i­al Day

Lower Kenai Peninsula Fairgrounds

Many events are held here through­out the year, the largest existence the Kenai Penin­su­la Fair held annu­al­ly the 3 rd calendar week­end in August. Locals call this the biggest lit­tle fair in Alas­ka. The fes­tiv­i­ties include a rodeo, parade, live­stock com­pe­ti­tion, horse show and exhibits rang­ing from arts and crafts to produce.

Nome - Fourth of July Parade and Games

Nome res­i­dents take cel­e­brat­ed the Quaternary of July since before the town was even incor­po­rat­ed. A fes­tive parade and range of games is always on the agen­da, from the high kicking, to gun­ny sack and bicy­cle races. And in Nome, the fun isn't only for kids. In that location are race true cat­east­gories for all ages!

Unalaska's Blueberry Bash

Fall in Unalas­ka brings cool­er air, rich col­or to the tun­dra, and a pletho­ra of berries. While locals can be pret­ty secre­tive about their favorite selection­ing spots, they are gen­er­ous with the fruits of their labors – at the annu­al Blue­ber­ry Fustigate. Here you'll find an amaz­ing array of blue­ber­ry dish­es – table after table loaded with vari­a­tions on tasty pies, cob­blers and tarts, along with jams, vine­bloke, chut­neys, sal­sas and every­matter in between.   ...more

Bear Paw Festival

The annu­al four-day Bear Paw Fes­ti­val brings fun events like live music and danc­ing, races, a car show, motorcar­ni­val rides, food and drinkable, and all kinds of ven­dors every mid-July to down­town Eagle Riv­er. Don't miss the merely-in-Alas­ka events like the Slip­pery Salmon Olympics

Nome River Raft Race

Can your dwelling house­made raft sur­vive a race downward a v-mile stretch of the Nome Riv­er? How nigh when h2o bal­loons and squirt guns are in play between race par­tic­i­pants and even spec­ta­tors? The Nome Riv­er Raft Race, held each June equally part of the Mid­dark Sun Fes­ti­val, is one event where get­ting wet is not only part of the fun – it'south a requirement!

Nome Community Thanksgiving Dinner

The Nome Com­mu­ni­ty Cheers­giv­ing Din­ner, made pos­si­ble past dona­tions and lots of vol­un­teer help, is open to all com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers and vis­i­tors. Terminate past for a meal, pitch in to help with the turkey, and enjoy the com­pa­ny of friend­ly Nome-ites, who warm up even the common cold­est of Novem­ber days.

4th of July in Tenakee Springs

If yous similar pocket-size-town Inde­pen­dence 24-hour interval cel­eastward­bra­tions, you'll love this one. It'south an all-twenty-four hours cel­e­bra­tion of tasty nutrient and quirky games, fea­tur­ing kids, dogs, floats, flags…and slugs. Information technology begins with a parade of peo­ple walk­ing and rid­ing bikes and four-wheel­ers forth Tena­kee Avenue, begin­ning at the fire hall.

Unalaska Halibut Derby

Whether you land a record-break­er or not, the Hal­ibut Der­past in Unalas­ka is a full day's worth of excite­ment. Held on a sin­gle day in late June or ear­ly July, yous'll have but 10 hours to land the largest hal­ibut you can – and a $i,000 cash prize is on the line.

World Eskimo-Indian Olympics

The World Eski­mo-Indi­an Olympics (WEIO) were formed over 50 years agone to spread knowl­edge and aware­ness of tra­di­tion­al skills and games to vis­i­tors and res­i­dents of Alas­ka. Each sum­mer, the elevation ath­letes from the cir­cum­po­lar north (includ­ing teams from Green­land and Rus­sia) gath­er in Fair­banks to com­pete in tests of strength, endurance, bal­ance, and tol­er­ance for pain. World Eski­mo-Indi­an Olympics usu­al­ly runs from July 16 th-19 th at the  ...more

Where to Buy Local Arts and Crafts in Nome

In Nome you can find tru­ly unique, manus-made items dur­ing local arts and crafts fairs. The largest of these takes place dur­ing Idi­tar­od Week in mid-March. Take advan­tage of the local fla­vor and pick upwards a hand-spun qivi­ut (muskox fibres) gar­ment, ivory carv­ings or a seal­pare hat.

Sitka Jazz Festival

Jazz in Alas­ka? In the win­ter? Yous bet. In fact, this iii-24-hour interval fes­ti­val, which takes place over the offset week­end in Feb­ru­ary, has been going on for 17 years. And it con­tin­ues to draw musi­cians from New Orleans, Detroit, San Fran­cis­co, and New York. The festival's mis­sion is to bring jazz to Sit­ka. Pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians head­line evening per­for­mances, merely music stu­dents also per­course at the 650-seat Per­grade­ing Arts Cen­ter. In fact, near­ly200…  ...more

Cannonball Snowmachine Race

Snowfall­ma­chines are part of dai­ly life around Nome, just you usu­al­ly have to mind the speed lim­it. Not so in the Can­non­ball Snow­ma­chine Race each April, when rac­ers tear up the trail in mul­ti­ple laps effectually Nome.

Musical Events in Unalaska

Unalaskans are "ever set" for music, a tra­di­tion that goes back to the 1920s. Dorsum in those days, there was simply one pianoforte on the whole Aleut­ian Concatenation, and information technology was used by Bering Ocean Patrol com­homo­der Cap­tain Frances Van Bosker­ck (along with friends Alfred Nannes­tad and Joseph Fournier) to write a catchy tune that became Unit­ed States Declension Guard's anthem "Sem­per Para­tus" ("ever ready"). Today, at that place are plen­ty more than pianos, along with plenty  ...more

Running of the Reindeer

In the cold and night eye of win­ter, in the slight­ly twist­ed, notwithstanding bril­liant heed of a local DJ, an ember tiresome­ly burned. How long, how hot, who knows? What we do know is that the ember grew into a flame and once released, grew legs, antlers and much more…A leg­end was born. In a pocket-sized function, not far abroad, a com­mu­ni­ty fes­ti­val strug­gled. After stag­ger­ing debt was paid off thank you to com­mu­ni­ty sup­port, it was time to give Rondy back to the…  ...more

Anchorage First Fridays

On these spe­cial Friday­days, art gal­leries cel­e­brate new works by local artists, and information technology's great enter­tain­ment for art lovers. You may notice gal­leries host­ing recep­tions with hors d'oeuvres, offering­ing a chance to meet local artists while savour­ing a stroll through down­town. Await for a map of par­tic­i­pat­ing gal­leries in the Anchor­age Press or the Anchor­age Dai­ly News the day before.

Uncommon Music Festival

This ambi­tious issue spot­light­ing over­looked choral and clas­si­cal music and incor­po­rat­ing nat­ur­al ele­ments from Sitka'southward sur­round­ings, speaks to the boondocks's artis­tic lega­cy and its ambi­tions. This annu­al, week-long cham­ber music fes­ti­val pro­motes an inclu­sive, acces­si­ble vision of clas­si­cal music, with free events, piece of work­shops and performances.

Seward Music and Arts Festival

An annu­al, must nourish event with fab­u­lous art, live music and dance per­for­mances. Local Alaskan arti­sans and food ven­dors are fea­tured. The Seward Art's Coun­cil pro­motes this ever abound­ing event, with a com­mit­ment to youth involve­ment, edu­ca­tion, and cre­ative inspi­ra­tion; as well as a phi­los­o­phy of depression envi­ron­men­tal affect. Information technology is a fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed fes­ti­val with chil­dren'due south activ­i­ties and artist's projects through­out the week­end; includ­ing the  ...more

Cordova Iceworm Festival

Cordova's old­est fes­ti­val — which kickoff­ed back in 1961 — is almost offer­ing a cure for the win­ter blues. This calendar week­long fes­ti­val hap­pens dur­ing the promise­ful time of year when the days are commencement­ing to get longer!

Pelican 4th of July Celebration

The biggest com­mu­ni­ty par­ty of the year in Pel­i­can is the 4 thursday of July cel­east­bra­tion, which starts a day ear­ly with a big burn down­works dis­play late on July 3 rd. Alive music, quirky con­tests, a parade and a com­mu­ni­ty pic­nic round out the festivities.

Honey Jam

Local bands, live paint­ings, cir­cus per­for­mances, local art ven­dors, and a pos­i­tive atmos­phere. Bring an instru­ment and join in the open jam ses­sions! Bring jug­gling equip­ment, burn down spin­ning equip­ment, hoops, etc, and join in the live per­for­mance art.

Copper River Shorebird Festival

Con­sid­ered one of Alaska's peak bird­ing events, this annu­al fes­ti­val dur­ing ear­ly May cel­eastward­brates the arrival of more 5 mil­lion migra­to­ry birds on the Cop­per Riv­er Delta due east of Cordova.

Unalaska 4th of July Parade

One of the all-time means to view the true spir­it of a small com­mu­ni­ty is to take function in its annu­al Fourth of July parade. This is true for the Metropolis of Unalas­ka, where you'll encounter a num­ber of unique floats put togeth­er by local busi­ness­es, com­mu­ni­ty groups and indi­vid­u­als. The spir­it of patri­o­tism runs high in this wind-swept Aleut­ian island, whose his­to­ry includes an attack past Japan­ese bombers dur­ing World State of warII.

Iditarod Trail Invitational

Each Feb­ru­ary a select group of hardy souls sets out from Knik Lake to examination them­selves against Alaska's harsh win­ter ele­ments. Their mis­sion? To tra­verse the famed Idi­tar­od trail, by moun­tain wheel, ski, or on foot – with lit­tle to no trail sup­port. Crazy? Maybe. Inspir­ing? Definitely.

Kake Day

The first few weeks of each year are a time of renew­al. In Kake each January­u­ary 8, res­i­dents and guests gath­er at the Com­mu­ni­ty Hall to com­mem­o­rate the anniver­sary of the urban center'due south 1912 incor­po­ra­tion (it was the beginning Native vil­lage to exercise so). Kake Twenty-four hour period cel­e­brates the city's self-gov­er­nance, besides as its Tlin­git roots.

Kachemak Bay Wooden Boat Festival

The Kachemak Bay Wood­en Boat Soci­ety holds an annu­al fes­ti­val in Sep­tem­ber. Fea­tures include a tour of the waters includes aWWII era wood­en tug con­vert­ed for char­ter apply, kids boat build­ing, marine demon­stra­tions (includ­ing knot tying, net mend­ing, and statuary cast­ing. For enter­tain­ment, lis­ten to tall tales and poets.

Sitka Mermaid Festival

Information technology'southward a won­der that information technology took until recent­ly to launch this cel­e­bra­tion in the town long-billed equally "Sit down­ka-by-the-Body of water." Who doesn't want to exist a mer­maid? Held over five days in late August, this cel­e­bra­tion of the body of water includes a Mer­maid Parade, seafood tast­ings and a 2-day pub­lic market place.

Races in Unalaska

Unalaskans turn out for an active running/​racing sched­ule well-nigh of the year no mat­ter the weath­er. In fact, the sea­son offi­cial­ly gets starting time­ed with the fiveK Polar Bear Run in late Feb­ru­ary, when the aver­age temp is still hov­er­ing around 32 degrees. Events range from mild to tech­ni­cal­ly chal­leng­ing, and most likewise offer short­er ver­sions for the kids. Come to Unalas­ka, and join a race February­ru­ary — November!

Kluane to Chilkat Bike Relay

The Klu­ane Chilkat Cycle Relay takes place in June, right effectually the longest day of the year (the sum­mer sol­stice). The 8‑leg relay starts in Haines Junc­tion, Yukon, and ends in Ft. Seward in Haines, a dis­tance of 150 miles. Information technology attracts a wide range of enthu­si­asts, from seri­ous bike rac­ers to local teams sim­ply out to have a good fourth dimension.

Kake 4th of July Celebration

Kake'south res­i­dents were the starting time Alas­ka Natives to become U.S. cit­i­zens, when the com­mu­ni­ty incor­po­rat­ed nether Fed­er­al police force in 1912. Cel­e­brat­ing Inde­pen­dence Day is a large deal in Kake, with plen­ty of fire­works, kids dressed in cherry, white and blue, a parade, games and races.

The Great Alaska Aviation Gathering

Over 275, avi­a­tion just exhibitors fea­tur­ing the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy, state-of-the-art prod­ucts, new inno­va­tions and com­pre­hen­sive safe­ty con­fer­ence. Indoor & Out­door Sta­t­ic Dis­plays fea­tur­ing every blazon of air­craft – sport, gen­er­al avi­a­tion, vin­tage, exper­i­men­tal, com­mer­cial, cor­po­rate and mil­i­tary. The Alas­ka State Avi­a­tion Trade Show is virtually fly­ing in Alas­ka com­plete with a fron­tier flair. Dis­cov­er indus­effort trends. Acquire nearly new…  ...more

Nalukataq: Utqiagvik Whaling Festival

Get a existent taste of native Alas­ka. This fes­ti­val — called Nalukataq — is a tra­di­tion of the Inu­pi­aq Eski­mos of north­ern Alas­ka, held after the spring whale-hunt­ing sea­son to requite the locals a chance to say thanks for a suc­cess­ful chase­ing sea­son. At that place are tra­di­tion­al songs and dances, includ­ing a blan­ket toss, where a dancer is tossed high in the air from a blan­ket made of seal skins. You'll detect the most events in Bar­row, though oth­er towns in the  ...more

Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival

Locat­ed on the shores of Kachemak Bay, Homer is one of the almost acces­si­ble and beau­ti­ful places for shore­bird view­ing in Alas­ka. Many vis­i­tors fly in (with the birds) while oth­ers dri­ve the breathtaking route, about 4 hours south from Anchor­historic period. Over 100,000 shore­birds migrate through this area, some stay­ing to make their homes here. Many trav­el thou­sands of miles remainder­ing and feed­ing at a few crit­i­cal stop-over points such as the base of the Homer  ...more than

Nome - Rubber Duck Race

Nome is a star attrac­tion for bird­ers, who might be sur­prised by hun­dreds of yel­low ducks migrate­ing down the Snake Riv­er on Labor Day.

Wyatt Earp Dexter Challenge

Min­ers took a lot of gold out of Dex­ter Creek, only north­east of Nome, and the Wyatt Earp Dex­ter Chal­lenge takes par­tic­i­pants through this back­coun­endeavour on the Dex­ter Bypass Road. Walk­ers, run­ners and bik­ers com­plete dif­fer­ent course lengths, but all cov­er some of this ridge-lined ter­ri­to­ry on the back­side of Anvil Mountain.

Kake Dog Salmon Festival

Com­ing to Kake in the sum­mer? Fourth dimension your vis­it to late July/​early August then you tin par­tic­i­pate in the Dog Salmon Fes­ti­val, a com­mu­ni­ty cel­e­bra­tion with great food, crazy games, music, and danc­ing. It'due south the biggest result of the year, and a time when the unabridged com­mu­ni­ty comes togeth­er to cel­e­brate the boun­ty of the state and sea.

Anchorage International Film Festival

Institute­ed in 2001, the Anchor­age Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val will be host­ing its 16 th annu­al cel­due east­bra­tion of inde­pen­paring picture in Anchor­age this Decem­ber. Attend­ed by film­mak­ers and cin­e­ma-lovers from all over the US and the world, the fes­ti­val seeks to sup­port new media and inde­pen­dent film­mak­ing in Alas­ka and beyond. Fes­ti­val-goers are care for­ed to the oppor­tu­ni­ty to watch films not-yet-released or that won't be released in Alaskan the­aters, plus  ...more

Alaska Raceway Park

Come see the thrill of human inge­nu­ity sur­round­ed by the majesty of Moth­er Nature. At this drag rac­ing track in Palmer — the simply Inter­na­tion­al Hot Rod Asso­ci­a­tion runway in Alas­ka, and the only NASCAR sanc­tioned oval track in the country, you lot can accept a relax­ing but thrilling day of enter­tain­ment, with races every week­end all sum­mer long. Plus, it's def­i­nite­ly a must-terminate for whatever hot rod lover or rac­ing fan: this is arguably the most picturesque…  ...more

Winter Arts Faire

Per­fect­ly timed for the arroyo­ing hol­i­day sea­son, the Ketchikan Arts & Man­i­ties Council's Win­ter Arts Faire bear witness­cas­es the cre­ations of local artists, which make for great gifts. More than 80 artists exhib­it their work here, so you could eas­i­ly fill all of your hol­i­day wish lists with local, hand­made gifts.

Iron Dog Race

Billed every bit the "World's Longest, Tough­est Snowfall­ma­chine Race," the Iron Dog course totals 2,274 long win­ter miles. Begin­ning at Big Lake (north of Anchor­age), the race class leads to Nome, and then ends in Fair­banks. Rac­ers and the Nome com­mu­ni­ty enjoy a fes­tive ban­quet halfway through the race.

Alaska Folk Festival

Musi­cians don't even take to audi­tion to per­form at this "come-one, come up-all" fes­ti­val, and not know­ing quite what y'all'll get makes the event even more than spon­ta­neous and fun. It's also free, which means it's a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring the whole fam­i­ly to enjoy the music.

Burning Basket

Every Sep­tem­ber since 2004, an inter­est­ing tra­di­tion has tak­en place: locals cre­ate a giant woven bas­ket with birch, fire­weed, and grass, set it out on the beach, dec­o­rate it, throw notes into it, then, at sun­down, burn information technology up in spec­tac­u­lar fash­ion. Artist Mavis Muller began this unique event, and today, information technology makes for a vibrant evening, filled with music and danc­ing, that show­cas­es a strong com­mu­ni­ty spir­it and respect for the local  ...more than

Celebrate July 4th in Glacier View

If you're look­ing for a tra­di­tion­al 4 th of July, you'll become that and more in Glac­i­er View. Vis­information technology this pocket-size town with superb views where you can take role in a com­mu­ni­ty become-togeth­er that fea­tures a fly­over of King­dom Air Corps planes, a parade, com­mu­ni­ty bbq (bring your own meat to grill on pro­vid­ed grills), burn­works, and the launch­ing of a vehi­cle off a300 foot cliff.

Alcan 200 Snowmachine Race

Y'all prob­a­bly call them "snow­mo­biles," but Alaskans call them "snow­ma­chines." The Alcan 200 is billed equally the "fastest snow­ma­chine race on earth." Machines have been clocked over 110 miles per hour as they zoom along the 154-mile form, from the Cana­di­an Bor­der to Dezadeash Lake, Yukon Ter­ri­to­ry. Por­tions of the Haines Loftier­mode are closed dur­ing the race, and plen­ty of par­ty­ing takes place in boondocks before and afterward this January­u­ary outcome.

Blueberry Arts Festival

Sum­mers are busy in Ketchikan, with up to v cruise ships mak­ing port every solar day, but the locals also know how to play difficult — espe­cial­ly at the huge Blue­ber­ry Arts Fes­ti­val, host­ed every August by the Ketchikan Arts and Homo­i­ties Coun­cil. In a town of 14,000, you're like­ly to meet equally many every bit 8,000 peo­ple come out to this fam­i­ly-friend­ly event that cel­due east­brates the South­east Alaskan blueberry.

Bering Sea Ice Classic Golf Tournament

Tee off in the ice and snowfall of the frozen Bering Ocean in this 6‑hole char­i­ty golf clas­sic that includes a manda­to­ry cease-off at a local bar after the first three holes. Par­ka, fur hat, and heavy boats are advis­able for one of the most unique golf game out­ings yous'll ever feel.

[{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer \/ Wasilla Surface area"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"seward","championship":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"sitka","title":"Sitka"},{"slug":"cordova","title":"Cordova"},{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","championship":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"haines","title":"Haines"},{"slug":"dutch-harbor-unalaska","title":"Unalaska"},{"slug":"fairbanks","title":"Fairbanks"},{"slug":"nome","championship":"Nome"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"pelican","title":"Pelican"},{"slug":"petersburg","title":"Petersburg"},{"slug":"craven","title":"Craven"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"elfin-cove","title":"Elfin Cove"},{"slug":"ketchikan","championship":"four Days in Ketchikan"},{"slug":"delta-junction","title":"Delta Junction"},{"slug":"hawkeye-river","title":"Hawkeye River"},{"slug":"tenakee-springs","title":"Tenakee Springs"},{"slug":"kake","title":"Kake"},{"slug":"utqiagvik","title":"Utqiagvik (Barrow)"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"valdez","championship":"Valdez"}]

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